Course Guide
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General Course Requirements
- English Language Arts - 4 units
- Math - 4 units
- Electives - 3.5 units
- Science - 3 units
- Social studies - 3 units
- Computers - 1 unit
- Fine Art - 1 unit
- Careers - .5 units
- Financial Literacy - .5 unit
- Health - .5 unit
- Physical education - .5 unit
The State of Ohio graduation requirements have been in a state of constant change over the last several years. In addition to the number of credits required by the Weathersfield Local School District, the State of Ohio also requires you to show competency and readiness. The following pages will show you the requirements as established by the State of Ohio as they currently exist.
Course Completion
Ohio law outlines the course requirements all students must complete to earn a diploma. Ohio students must earn a minimum of 20 units in specific subject areas. Districts and schools may have requirements that exceed the state minimums outlined below. Weathersfield Local Schools require 21 units.
Students must earn a "competency" score on the English II and Algebra I end-of-course tests. The competency score is 684. Students not earning competency scores on the first attempt must be offered appropriate remediation and support and retake the test at least once. In lieu of attaining competency scores on the state tests, students can use alternative ways to demonstrate competency.
Competency Alternatives
Ohio law established three alternatives to demonstrating competency on state tests. Prior to being eligible
to demonstrate competency in alternative ways, students first must retake the test and receive remedial
support. The three alternative ways to demonstrate competency for the subject area not passed are as
1. College Credit Plus – Earn college credit in a non-remedial math or English course (for the subject area
not passed) to demonstrate competency.
2. Career Experience and Technical Skill – Complete two demonstrations to show competency, at least one of which must be a foundational option.
a. Earn a cumulative score of proficient or higher on three or more WebXams in a single career pathway.
b. Earn a 12-point approved industry-recognized credential or group of credentials totaling 12 points in a single career field. c. Complete a pre-apprenticeship in the student’s chosen career field or, for students ages 18 and older, show evidence of acceptance into an apprenticeship program after high school.
a. Complete a 250-hour work-based learning experience with evidence of positive evaluations.
b. Earn the workforce readiness score on WorkKeys.
c. Earn the OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal.
3. Military Readiness – Competency can be achieved by meeting the requirements to enlist in the military, which can be demonstrated by a contract with the military to enlist upon graduation (see the Military Enlistment Seal guidelines in this document for more information about enlistment).
4. Remediation-free score – Competency can be shown by obtaining a remediation-free score in the math or English subject areas on the ACT or SAT. To demonstrate competency in ELA II a student must be remediation-free in BOTH English and reading on the ACT
Demonstrating Readiness
In addition to fulfilling curriculum requirements and meeting the competency requirements listed above, students must also show they are prepared for their next steps after high school. State law created 12 diploma seals for students to demonstrate academic, technical and professional readiness for careers, college, the military or self-sustaining professions. Each seal allows students to demonstrate knowledge and skills essential for future success in their chosen post-high school paths. Students will demonstrate readiness by earning at least two diploma seals, one of which must be state defined. Seals help students develop an array of critical skills that are valuable to them as they transition to the next steps after high school.